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Bermondsey Connect Group

Welcome to htb bermondsey connect

Bermondsey Connect Group is more than just a gathering after the Sunday 9.30am service; it’s a non-judgemental space where faith, friendship and fellowship thrive. A cosy atmosphere filled with laughter, heartfelt conversations, and coffee. Whether you’re a seasoned believer or exploring faith for the first time, you’ll find open arms and genuine connections.

In our connect group, we dive into meaningful discussions, share life’s journey and support one another through prayer and community. People of all ages – individuals, friends or couples – are welcome, as together, we explore the teachings of Christ, seek spiritual growth and live out our faith in practical ways.

Join us on this journey where God’s love is experienced, and authentic community becomes a source of strength. Our church connect group is more than a meeting; it’s a family ready to welcome you with open hearts and open doors.

Bermondsey Connect Group church event

‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.’

John 15:5

People from Bermondsey Connect group dancing

What we do

Bermondsey Connect Group aims to foster a welcoming, friendly and relaxed environment where people can deepen their faith, nurture friendships and feel spiritually strengthened.

Through fellowship, bible studies, discussion and prayer, the group aims to equip and enable members to live out their faith in their daily lives and communities.

“Being part of the Connect Group has been such a joy and a blessing to me in so many ways. It has given me the opportunity to make strong friendships and I have a real sense of belonging.”


“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”
Isaiah 61:1

As a group, we are passionate about reaching out to those who do not yet know Jesus, particularly the vulnerable and marginalised in society.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
Matthew 28:19


In order to facilitate the aims of the group and its’ growing numbers, various teams have been set up which any member is welcomed and invited to join, as and when they feel comfortable and able to do so. These teams will also help you navigate who to contact for different areas of need or interest.

Welcome Team:
The Welcome Team ensures that newcomers feel at home from the moment they step through our doors. making sure everyone knows they are an essential part of our church family.

Evangelism Team:
Our Evangelism Team is dedicated to sharing the transformative message of Christ’s love to the world. Through outreach events, community engagement, and genuine conversations, we strive to be a beacon of hope and faith to those seeking spiritual connections.

Social Transformation Team:
Committed to making a positive impact, our Social Transformation Team actively engages in ministries that uplift and empower people e.g. prison ministry. We believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.

Pastoral and Safeguarding Team:
The Pastoral and Safeguarding Team ensures that our connect group remains a safe and nurturing space for everyone. With pastoral care and safeguarding practices in place, we prioritise the well-being of each member, providing appropriate support and guidance through life’s challenges within the safeguarding guidelines

Intercession and Bible Study Team:
Our Intercession and Bible Study Team fuels the spiritual growth of our group through dedicated prayer and deep dives into scripture. Together, we seek God’s guidance, interceding for one another and exploring the teachings of the Bible to strengthen our faith.

Prayer Team:
Focused on the power of prayer, our Prayer Team holds a special place in our connect group to pray for individuals in the group.

Acts of Service Team:
Living out the principles of love and service, our Acts of Service Team actively engages in practical ways to serve the group.

Socials and Hospitality Team:
The Socials and Hospitality Team ensures that our connect group is a place of genuine connection. From hosting social events to creating welcoming atmospheres, this team adds a touch of hospitality to every interaction.

In our connect group, these teams work harmoniously to create a thriving and inclusive community, where faith is lived out through intentional actions, compassionate service and authentic relationships. Join us as we journey together, making a difference in the lives of individuals and the world around us.

People chatting at Bermondsey Connect Group

What we are not

The Connect Group is a community of faith and as such, we are committed to walking alongside each other through life’s challenges.

However, it is important to acknowledge that we are not professionally equipped to provide specialised expertise in matters of mental health or medical concerns. We will always encourage our members to seek professional guidance when needed and assure everyone that our role is to offer compassion, prayer and be a caring community.

Our aim is to create a space where individuals feel heard, valued and supported in their faith journey yet also recognising the importance of when to seek professional assistance for specific needs. Together, we can navigate the complexities of life with grace, understanding and the love that binds our community.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another
Proverbs 27:17

Stay in the loop:
join our mailing list and get involved.

Sign up to any of our groups: Kingdom Living, Healing Rooms and/ or Connect Group.